The End of a Beginning of an End of Other Beginning

Come and go...
Meet and apart...
Away and home...
Found and Lost...
Born and dead...

Every existence seem gather with un-existence as its opponent. When something come into as a beginning, its exclaim its end and maybe also its middle. When we move forward our first step it's mean we already take a far away into the middle, than still keep making a new beginning. Seem like never ending cycle.

And I stand in this crossroad, trying to reckoning which way I must prefer

Should I...
... come or should I go
... meet or should I apart...
... away or should I home...
... found should I lost...
... born or should I dead...
"sad thing in life is that sometimes you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go". Anonymous

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