Yes, I'm a loner.
I like being alone

Sendiri? Beneran? Ya iya,

kemana-mana sendiri, enjoying every minute I spent alone.
Biasanya sih lebih ke pergi ke suatu tempat baru,mencari suasana lain. Sekilas terdengar biasa aja, tapi menurut saya ini beda. Buat kebanyakan orang,mereka lebih memilih pergi ke tempat yang baru dengan tujuan
menghindari kepenatan, seringkali menghilangkan esensi menjadi sendiri itu, sehingga faktor kenyamanan buat mereka menjadi sangat penting, akibatnya ritual itu menjadi mahal.Ada kalanya benar, namun menurut
saya, ada alasan lain yang membuat konsep menyendiri ini beda. Berjalan ke suatu tempat yang baru, bertemu dengan orang baru, mempelajari sikon yang baru dan beda dari keseharian, merupakan inti dari
menyendiri.Karena ngga ada yang mengerti kemauan kita selain kita sendiri. Kita bisa pergi ke suatu tempat, makan, pakai baju, bergaul, tanpa harus menghabiskan waktu berargumen dulu.Menjadi diri kita sendiri pada waktu tertentu itulah esensinya tidak ada kepura-puraan menikmati segala tanggapan dan respon dari lingkungan.
Introspeksi adalah suatu alasan lain dari konsep menyendiri, menelaah kesalahan kita, mencoba mencari jalan keluarnya, yang tidak melulu lewat pemikiran kita, tapi lebih kepada belajar dari alam, dari lingkungan.
Seorang ibu-ibu tua penjual nasi pincuk tanpa dia sadari, pernah memberikan suatu pelajaran... "Aku bekerja karena memang manusia itu harus bekerja. Aku sakit kalau nganggur. Menganggur adalah bersahabat dengan setan. Kerja selalu ada kalau kita mau mencarinya. Jangan mau menganggur, sampai kita mati," katanya seakan ahli filsafat.Kembali ke tempat yang lebih merakyat seperti kembali ke pangkuan masa lalu yang sudah lebih dulu mengakrabi saya. Sendiri berada di dalamnya membuatnya lebih mudah untuk berbaur. Jadi, ngapain takut jalan sendiri, nikmatin aja setiap meter yang dijalanin.

Menikmati sendiri

by on January 04, 2008
Yes, I'm a loner. I like being alone sometime. Sendiri? Beneran? Ya iya, kemana-mana sendiri, enjoying every minute I spent alone....
kemenangan diraih dengan jalan berlari pulang...

You know,sometimes in life
we have to take a few steps back
to finally move forward and make a COMBO hit.

I always believe in this simple phrase till now.
Of all, to move backward is the hardest one.
We have to sacrifice lotsa things.Things like loves, prestige, memories,achievements, and else.

So step back...
enjoy every minutes of it...


by on December 09, 2007
Kadang... kemenangan diraih dengan jalan berlari pulang... You know,sometimes in life we have to take a few steps back to finally move ...
I love Bandung, the city where I live. Bandung, with its creative and turbulent young people, is home to so much provocative and original talent. When I’m not in Bandung, I like to visit my village in Rajapolah, Tasikmalaya, which I think it suits my needs of quite

Living Places

by on December 04, 2007
I love Bandung, the city where I live. Bandung, with its creative and turbulent young people, is home to so much provocative and original ta...
For me, time is flexible. It can be stretch to fit my needs. An hour before go to work, I still lingering in bed! Up in second, I jump into shower, and dresses quickly while drinking a cup of hot coffee or warm green tea (depends on my need that day) to shock my mental alert. Than I run very quick to the main street, catch in public transportation and get arrives at my work place for about five minutes earlier, enough time to set my mind focus on what I will doing that time. Before I begin my job, to add a little calm, I always drink a bottle of fresh water that I brought from my home before

I always feel the morning alarm rings too early! So I often get up late. Long time ago, when I was a student, I always shower and dresses in less than fifteen minutes than grab my school backpack with one hand while chewing my breakfast meal with other hand, and… miraculously I am always to get on school on time

Daily Time

by on December 04, 2007
For me, time is flexible. It can be stretch to fit my needs. An hour before go to work, I still lingering in bed! Up in second, I jump into ...
The talent I would like to have is gift for music

Wish 2

by on December 04, 2007
The talent I would like to have is gift for music
If god gives me a chance to choose what kind of live I choose for my lifetime, I would have loved to be an Architect or a Designer


by on December 04, 2007
If god gives me a chance to choose what kind of live I choose for my lifetime, I would have loved to be an Architect or a Designer

I have a passion, if I could have a place call home, I will design it in simply traditional style like Japaneese traditional hause. Wooden house sorround by cool zen garden

I love Traditional Japan House style. It full with simplicity but still gives warmth.
I love to make it as simple it can, so I shouldn’t give lot energy to care for. I don’t like the Modern Simplicity style. It looks too cold and no life within

Home Sweet Home

by on November 28, 2007
I have a passion, if I could have a place call home, I will design it in simply traditional style like Japaneese traditional hause. Wooden h...