Daily Time

For me, time is flexible. It can be stretch to fit my needs. An hour before go to work, I still lingering in bed! Up in second, I jump into shower, and dresses quickly while drinking a cup of hot coffee or warm green tea (depends on my need that day) to shock my mental alert. Than I run very quick to the main street, catch in public transportation and get arrives at my work place for about five minutes earlier, enough time to set my mind focus on what I will doing that time. Before I begin my job, to add a little calm, I always drink a bottle of fresh water that I brought from my home before

I always feel the morning alarm rings too early! So I often get up late. Long time ago, when I was a student, I always shower and dresses in less than fifteen minutes than grab my school backpack with one hand while chewing my breakfast meal with other hand, and… miraculously I am always to get on school on time

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