The local escargot. Very very delicious :)

Helps boost my mood
Aku dengar banyak dari orang-orang. dan aku mengalaminya juga.

Ketikaseorang pria/wanita lajang datang menghadiri acara keluarga, kadangmereka dipojokkan such question such as: "when are you gonna get married?"Its none of their business. Tapi itulah efek samping dari memiliki ikatan kekeluargaan yang kuat...

I live in the place where everything constructed by what our community telling us. It's sucks...

but what you gonna do???

Familial bondage

by on May 14, 2010
Aku dengar banyak dari orang-orang. dan aku mengalaminya juga. Ketikaseorang pria/wanita lajang datang menghadiri acara keluarga, kadangme...
  1. You pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you are married.

The classic mistake: Never marry potential. The golden rule is, if u can't be happy with the person the way he/she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "You actually can expect people to change after they're married... for the worst!" So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills & personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they're now.

  1. You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character.

Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" often means, "I'm in lust." Attraction is here but have u carefully checked out this person's character? Here're 4 character traits to definitely check for:

  • Humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort? Do I want to be more like this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?
  • Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? How does she/he treat people s/he doesn't have to be nice to? Does s/he do volunteer work? Give charity?
  • Responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what s/he says s/he is going to do?
  • Happiness: Does this person like himself? Does s/he enjoy life? Is s/he emotionally stable? Ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want or have a child with this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him/her?
  1. U pick the wrong person coz the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most.

Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it's the man who just doesn't "get it .The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she's the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention. When the man forgets about his own needs & focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.

  1. You choose the wrong person coz u don't share a common life goals & priorities.

There're 3 basic ways we connect with another person:

-chemistry and compatibility
-share common interests
-share common life goal

Make sure u share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of u will either grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, u must figure out what you are "living for," while you're single -- and then find! Some one who has come to the same conclusion as you. This is the true definition of a "soul mate." A soul mate is a goal mate – two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals.

  1. U pick the wrong person coz u don't have a deeper emotional connection with this person.

To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "Do I respect and admire this person?" This does not mean, "Am I impressed by this
person?" We're impressed by a Mercedes. We don't respect someone coz they own a Mercedes. U should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc. Also ask: "Do I trust this person?" This also means, "Is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?

  1. U pick the wrong person coz u choose someone with whom u don't feel emotionally safe.

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful & relaxed with this person? Can I fully express myself w/ this person? Does this person make me feel
good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person u marry makes u feel the same way! Are you afraid of this person in any way? U should not feel u need to monitor what you say coz you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you are afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem w/ the relationship. Be on the look out for someone who's always trying to change u.
Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control u. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change u. There's a big difference between controlling" & "making suggestions." A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit.

  1. You pick the wrong person coz u don't put everything on the table.

Anything that bothers u about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way. To evaluate how
well the two of u communicate, negotiate and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. U need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you? Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers u. This is also a way for u to test how vulnerable u can be with this person. If u can't be vulnerable, then u can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand.

  1. U pick the wrong person coz u use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness.

If you are unhappy and single, you will probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage doesn't fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You will feel better and your future spouse will thank you.

  1. You pick the wrong person coz he/she is involved in a triangle.

To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation. People can also be triangulated with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money. Be careful that u and your partner are free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle can't be fully emotionally available to u. U will not be their number one priority.

And those are no basis for a marriage.

Whatever you want in life it's yours...Pay the price and take it.."EMERSON

I'm finally here,
stuck in a moment at the end age of twenty something in the era of open mind, pushed by so many facts around marriage. This is the age where I found enough of things. I found that the society has their opinion about a certain age of marriage. Ironically, we found that marriage itself isn't such a favourite thing among the young married one. Yet, the benchmark of what I'am looking for is getting higher and higher.

Shall I move on or enjoy this view for a moment?

Soloist out of tune

by on May 04, 2009
Whatever you want in life it's yours...Pay the price and take it.."EMERSON I'm finally here, stuck in a moment at the end ag...
Bahan :
1 pria sehat,
1 wanita sehat,
100% Komitmen,
2 pasang restu orang tua,
1 botol kasih sayang murni.

1 balok besar humor,
25 gr rekreasi,
1 bungkus doa,
2 sendok teh telpon-telponan,
5 kali ibadah/hariSemuanya diaduk hingga merata dan mengembang).

- Pilih pria dan wanita yang benar-benar matang dan seimbang.
- Jangan yang satu terlalu tua dan yang lainnya terlalu muda karenadapat mempengaruhi kelezatan (sebaiknya dibeli di toserba bernamaTEMPAT IBADAH, walaupun agak jual mahal tapi mutunya terjamin.)
- Jangan beli di pasar yang bernama DISKOTIK atau PARTY karena walaupunmodelnya bagus dan harum baunya tapi kadang menipu konsumen ataukadangmenggunakan zat pewarna yang bisa merusak kesehatan.
- Gunakan Kasih sayang cap "DAKWAH" yang telah mendapatkan penghargaan ISO dari Departemen Kesehatan dan Kerohanian.

Cara Memasak:
- Pria dan Wanita dicuci bersih, buang semua masa lalunya sehingga tersisaniat yang murni.
- Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi dengan komitmen dan restu orang tuasecara merata.
- Masukkan niat yang murni kedalam loyang dan panggang dengan api meratasekitar 30 menit didepan penghulu.
- Biarkan di dalam loyang tadi dan sirami dengan bumbunya.
- Kue siap dinikmati.

Kue ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembuatnya seumur hidup dan paling enak dinikmati dalam keadaan hangat. Tapi kalau sudah agak dingin, tambahkan lagi humor segar secukupnya, rekreasi sesuai selera, serta beberapa potong doa kemudian dihangatkan lagi di oven ber merek "Tempat Ibadah". Setelah mulai hangat, jangan lupa telepon-teleponan bila berjauhan.Selamat mencoba, dijamin semuanya halal koq!.

Kue Perkawinan

by on September 06, 2008
Bahan : 1 pria sehat, 1 wanita sehat, 100% Komitmen, 2 pasang restu orang tua, 1 botol kasih sayang murni. Bumbu: 1 balok besar humor, 25 gr...
Diambil dari Novel Pakistan,

Judul "Cinta yang terlambat"
Penulis: Dr. Ikram Abidi.

Kenapa kita menutup mata kita ketika kita tidur?
ketika kita menangis?
ketika kita membayangkan ?

itu karena hal terindah di dunia ini tidakterlihat...Ketika kita menemukan seseorang yang keunikannya SEJALAN dengan kita...kita bergabung dengannya dan jatuh ke dalam suatukeindahan yang serupa yang dinamakan CINTA

Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan. Orang-orang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan....tapi ingatlah.......melepaskan BUKAN akhir dari dunia,Melainkan awal kehidupan baruKebahagiaan ada untuk mereka yang menangis, mereka yang telah mencari.....dan mereka yang telah mencobaKarena MEREKALAH yang bisa menghargai betapa pentingnya orang yang telah menyentuh kehidupan mereka.....CINTA yang AGUNG?adalah ketika kamu menitikkan air mata dan, MASIH peduli terhadapnya...adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu dan kamu MASIH menunggunya dengan setia adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai yang lain dan kamu MASIH bisa tersenyum sembari berkata 'Aku turut
berbahagia untukmu

'Apabila cinta tidak berhasil....BEBASKAN dirimu. Biarkan hatimu kembali melebarkan sayapnya dan terbang ke alam bebas LAGI. Ingatlah.... bahwa kamu mungkin menemukan cinta dan kehilangannya...tapi ketika cinta itu mati, kamu tidak perlu mati bersamanya....Orang terkuat BUKAN mereka yang selalu menang, MELAINKAN mereka yang tetap tegar ketika mereka jatuh Entah bagaimana dalam perjalanan kehidupan, kamu belajar tentang dirimu sendiri dan menyadari bahwa penyesalan tidak seharusnya ada HANYALAH penghargaan abadi atas pilihan-pilihan kehidupan yang telah kau buat.

TEMAN SEJATI...mengerti ketika kamu berkata 'aku lupa....' menunggu selamanya ketika kamu berkata 'tunggu sebentar' tetap tinggal ketika kamu berkata 'tinggalkan aku sendiri'membuka pintu meski kamu belum mengetuk dan berkata 'bolehkah saya masuk?'

MENCINTAI.....Bukanlah bagaimana kamu melupakan, melainkan bagaimana kamu memaafkan. Bukanlah bagaimana kamu mendengarkan, melainkan bagaimana kamu mengertiBukanlah apa yang kamu lihat, melainkan apa yang kamu rasakan. Bukanlah bagaimana kamu melepaskan, melainkan bagaimana kamu bertahan Lebih berbahaya mencucurkan air mata dalam hati dibandingkan menangis tersedu-sedu. Air mata yang keluar dapat dihapus, sementara airmata yang tersembunyi menggoreskan luka yang tidak akan pernah hilang....
Dalam urusan cinta, kita SANGAT JARANG menang.....tapi ketika cinta itu TULUS,meskipun kalah, kita tetep MENANGhanya karena kamu berbahagia........dapat mencintai seseorang......LEBIH dari kamu mencintai dirimu sendiri.....Akan tiba saatnya dimana kita harus berhenti mencintai seseorangBUKAN karena orang itu berhenti mencintai kita,MELAINKAN karena kita menyadari bahwa orang itu akan lebih berbahagia apabila kita melepaskannyaKadang kala, orang yang kamu cintaiadalah orang yang PALING menyakiti hatimudan kadang kala, teman yang menangis bersamamu adalah cinta yang tidak kamu sadari

Cinta itu tak terlihat

by on September 04, 2008
Diambil dari Novel Pakistan, Judul "Cinta yang terlambat" Penulis: Dr. Ikram Abidi. Kenapa kita menutup mata kita ketika kita...