I think everybody has his or her own tendency in life. No such things as pure will and so on.

If a girl or a guy says "I Love You" to their opponent, it strikes back in their head with something like,There I said it, quick gimme the goddamed diamond ring!

The roads to get into something sometimes are the fun of it.

The argument, the unnecessary stuff mentioned, the lies, the conflict,the affair, or all the drama we created leaves a path to our direction.We make a fool on anyone or ourself using every possible wayto get in to what we need.And in the end the crap we take is equal to the mess we made.

I said this to every other guys andI'm gonna say it again to you...

I love you.


by on October 09, 2007
I think everybody has his or her own tendency in life. No such things as pure will and so on. If a girl or a guy says "I Love You"...